Monday, January 17, 2011

The last few days have been truly ridiculous. In light of them I have made a rule for myself. The new rule is "You are not allowed to feel sorry for yourself for more than 24 hours". I declared it then took a nap... hahaha. About an hour into the nap I SHOT awake with this new found excitement to do nothing really, just to be. It felt good.

On Thursday night instead of having class we were all to go to this conference called "Walking in The Kingdom". The conference was basically one that talked about doing the things that Jesus did. ( Matt 10:1, Luke 10:9-12, Matt 28:18-20, 1 John 2:6) Matt 28:20b is my favorite thing ever!!!!!! LOVE IT!!
 Luckily for me I came from a church that taught us this stuff, and made us practice it. You have no idea how greatful I am for that. Who knows where I would be personally now if I hadn't been taught this in my church.

Thursday night was part one and the rest of it was all day saturday.  On Thursday I sat with my class, and some other random kids (with nice faces) that I found out later are all in a band that is touring the east coast in a little while. On saturday I arrived a bit late because Brenda was driving me and when we got to a lighted intersection to turn left, she was just barely behind the sensor thing so the light never gave us a left turn arrow. HA! So we had to sit through the light twice as long. OH yeah, and i failed to mention that this is a ridiculously long light anyway.  SO I got there late and thus didn't get to sit with my class because their table was on the other side of the room and the speaker already started talking. SO I sat at a table with a bunch of old ladies.

 I don't really have much to say about the conference, other than that I was there, and it was very informative,and the guy speaking was pretty funny. At one point he went running around the room and jumped on a table and bounced up and down on his hands and knees. ha it was really ridiculous.

 Also within the last few days there have been some things that really upset me, at one point I was convinced I was either Jaundice, had Hepatitis (even though I have been vaccinated), or possibly had sickle cell anemia that was never caught before. I think I'm fine though, even though I'm still not sure why the skin around my eyes seem a bit yellow compared to normal.
  I also had a customer fill out a comment card for me, and it was very positive, only to have one of the managers come back to cafe and ask if I knew the person as though he was suspecting I put a friend up to filling out a positive comment card out for me. It made me so angry. I had never seen the customer before he walked into the cafe, and I just treated him with the care that I treat all the people I serve. Customers actually like the baristas and me as one of them. It just made me annoyed.

Other wise, I have been reading alot. I got this book from the Library.

  I just can't seem to put it down once I pick it up. I'm not sure if I would recommend reading it, it has it's moments where I am reading along and I begin to wonder if it is some sort of Romance novel that was labeled wrong, but then the author ends the scene. It's just honest I guess, and it is historical fiction so it is nice.

   I'm also trying to fold more of those 8 pointed oragami stars but I am running out of steam.  I need to make a bunch more to finish my project. Cannot wait to show you the finished product though.

 I've been having some interesting dreams lately too. I had a dream the other morning that my dear friend Han was engaged! SO exciting.
Then right after that I had a dream that my friend Chantel (the only person I have met yet here that I have dreamt about) and in the dream she was pregnant. The thing about that though is that Chantel cannot have children because of some medical reasons. I'm not sure if I should tell her about the dream though.

 *Abrupt ending*

1 comment:

beka said...

i love how you're so random.

i have to say dear, i ADORE that page you created!!
yes. matthew 28:20b is really really really good. ♥