Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thwarted again!

I got home from church today to find the 1000 piece puzzle put away and replaced with a pile of pieces for the next puzzle that is to be done instead. This one is a much smaller and easier puzzle, so once again I am back to not doing the puzzle but rather looking on from a distance. Or if I do put pieces together, I have to take them apart before leaving the table.
Thus, reading was the only productive thing I did yesterday morning. ha
I finished the book today. It was an interesting read. I am ready to head back to the library for more historical fiction.
   After church today I went to meet a lady that I am going to be house sitting for next weekend.She is really cute.  She has a really cozy house and two super cute plump dogs. :] She also is letting me drive her car while she is gone so I can get to and from work. I can't believe someone is paying me to stay in their comfy, quiet house and snuggle with their cute pups. I am really excited about it. Oh yeah I forgot to mention,  she lives on the outskirts of  downtown Boise. I think I know where I will be spending my time this weekend.

    So in church today I got to thinking. The worship leader was singing prophetically about being in our Fathers presence and being innocent, and about Him being a father to those who don't have a father figure. I thought about it and realize that even though I have a great dad here on earth God is totally taking care of me as a father now that I don't have my dad around.   It was a very comforting thought.
   God is really taking care of me. I think He wants me to go to Zimbabwe. He seems to be taking care of money issues. I picked up 5 more hours yesterday than I was originally scheduled for.

Remember the other day when I was talking about that glorious bead store, and my great purchases? Yeah???
Good! Becuase I made something with them and I am very excited to show you.
 So the one on the left is my favorite, all I bought was the little coi and the bead which is a great color. Look how cute it turned out.(reminds me of doing Yoga Booty Ballet with Julia. haha) LOVE!
   I made the whale one because it reminded me of The Weepies, and its so cute.
                                       I put it on fishing line too which is a nice touch I think.
              What do you think? DO you love them? I'll make you a necklace if you want. :]

               I have to work for a few hours tonight. I am so tired now that I don't really want to work.
                              It's a short shift though so it's not a big deal.



i love them doll! [:

beka said...

love them!
...and i kinda love this post:)