Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm a big girl now, see my big girl shoes...*humming**

The Weather today was B-E-A-U-TIFUL!
 It was in the 50's all day. It is 48 now at 3am. Love!!!!!!
 Today I slept till way late then rode Baby to work. Work went really well, I think that is  because it was so nice outside, and I was busy the whole time.
   After work Shekinah and I thought we would go out and see what sort of things we could find to do. SO we put on our big girl heels and headed out. We went downtown in search of live music or something. We found our way to this small downstairs christian coffee shop. Unfortunately we just missed the live music. It was a really cute place though. I ordered a Chai tea latte that was really in-expensive and really really really good.
    We sat and talked for a while then decided we would go "creep" on the Boise cafe. There was salsa going on tonight as well as last. I couldn't handle a second night of salsa so we decided against going again tonight. Not only does it cost money to go, but my knee, and butt are still sore from last night.(it takes mad muscles to swing your hips like that for 3 straight hours) So we walked to the cafe and saw what was going on. It looked like a much smaller group than last night.  We also passed a dancestudio that does all sorts of different types of dancing. Shekinah was saying that on Wednesday nights they have $3 salsa lessons followed by free dance time at this place. I think you can guess where I will be this wednesday.  I'm hoping that I will find out about some swing lessons when I am there. I really do enjoy salsa, but I think I would like swing even more. I probably wouldn't look so white either. haha

 We had an interesting conversation on the way back to ma ville! We were talking about how with some people opposites definitely attract, but with others they need someone more like themselves. I was thinking about what my "opposite" would be like, and I really don't think I could stand  him for very long. He would have to be shy, more serious, always have things planned out and mapped out, more level headed and grounded, be a homebody, and worst of all he would probably be into video games and excessive tv watching.    I could not handle that at all!!
           Shekinah on the other hand is one of those people that is really attracted to her opposite. Rather than try to explain her or her opposite I will just wait and let you all learn about her by either meeting her in person, or by learning a bit more about her from my posts.
                What do you think  about the whole opposites attract thing??

This video made me really want to paint, or do some pastel pieces.

I always loved this song. Especially the first verse.

1 comment:

beka said...

i'm thinking....someone a BIT more like myself. like how you wrote it.
oh my my my, that guy you described as an opposite would be mine too. couldn't stand that.
and i really really would prefer someone who ISN"T a homebody.