Wednesday, March 16, 2011

tea can really make a day better.

Today has been kinda of a stunk fest of a day.  I slept straight throught the AM hours without even stirring slightly.

    Brenda woke me up because I need to go with her to pick up her work car and take her to "surgery" where she would be getting a HUGE needle stuck into her back.
I hate driving here. Nobody seems to be able to drive, and there are an un-necessary amount of stop lights. There is nothing more frustrating than sitting through a light 2 or 3 times when you are the first car just because there is no left turn arrow.
  I also had to drive over to the post office to pick up a letter (my birth certificate that my Grandma mailed me) because supposedly they tried to deliver it to my house but no one answered the door.
I went into the post office to get it, waited in line for what seemed like forever (mind you I have been in the car for over 2 hours at this point to make a drive that should have taken only 40 minutes at the most.) and when I got to the desk they said that the person who had it on route still wasn't back and it wouldn't be there for pick-up until tomorrow. I decide that something needs to be done to bring sunshine to this slushy snowy day.

I happened to have parked in front of a tea-house. SOOO cute. Just the sort of place I want to own some day or at least work at.   I wander in hoping to find a stout cup of hot black tea waiting for me. I am immediately taken in by the amazing aroma of all the teas. The place had canister after canister of tea on the wall with free-sniffs available. I order a cup of  spiced vanilla tea, then buy some bags of loose tea to go.
I got an ounce of  Classic Chai and an ounce of Cinnamon Orange Spice  which the lady said was one of the most popular.  They smell great. 

 It all rang up at like $6.55. I looked in my little baggy of spending money(tip money)  and there was like $6.64 in it. PERFECT!!!
      I told her that it was my tip money, and she asked me where I work. Upon learning that I was a barista at Hastings she offered me a possible part time job, and if I couldn't asked if I had any friends who maybe would be up for it. Beka, if you were here I would be able to get you a job in NO TIME!!! I picked up the application and am thinking about if it is worth filing out seeing as how I am leaving in like 2 months.  I'm not sure if it will be worth it for when I get back either. HMMM. Maybe I will think of someone to give it to.


beka said...

omg, what a shop!!! i want to go!
today was a mix of good and bad and good for me too. ahhhhhhH!!!!!! that would be awesome. .....hmmm....... gosh i wish we lived closer. or something. :\ i don't see myself traveling any time soon. have i mentioned i'm broke? but MAN oh man that sounds like an amazing place.

so sweet that you thought of me! thank you lady:)

Hanna said...

It was a brilliant shop, truly!
IT was called Miss Tami's tea cottage and tea room. They do legit tea parties lunches for people. It's really cool.
I'll be here for at least another year so hopefully you will get a barista job and have a possibility of visiting. :]

beka said...

♥ thanks so much!!! goodness. i swear it's going to happen someday. :)

Eliza C. said...

I would take it! I need a new job and thats just the kind of job I want to work at right now. Miss you! Its good to hear that that shop brought some joy to your day. God it truly watching out for us and being a joy right when we need it.