Friday, March 18, 2011

The things you learn in a coffee shop

Today was very redemptive. Aside from feeling weak and sick for most of my work shift, some great things came  out of the day.  I got to talk to my friend Courtney for a few minutes which was great because I haven't seen her in a while really, or been able to talk to her. We talked about going on an adventure together in the near future. Possibly Ethiopia to do some sort of great work there. :]
  I also asked her to go get tea with me soon, she answered in her super cute way by saying just "yes".
SO cute!!
 Then this customer comes in and overhears me telling someone that I am really feeling well, so he asks me if I don't sleep well. I told him that I have just been stressed.  Then he starts telling me that he is a Buddhist (though not a very good he, he admits.) and he starts giving me these words of advice. They didn't quite apply but I appreciate him caring and trying to help me out. Then he starts telling me that he was adopted, and his adopted mom was Chinese and his adopted Dad was Japanese, so he is a black belt in all these different techniques of fighting. He then goes on to teach me all these self defense manuevers for when I go travel so I can go alone and feel safe. SOOO awesome. It got a bit nerdy at times because he would talk about anatomy things like say, "you know the place on a persons throat right below the Adam's apple?"
 "The Cricoid cartilage ring?"
"yeah that one.".
 Or it would go 
He would say "so the sternum the tip of it here, you know what I'm talking about?"
I would reply "Yeah the xiphoid process."
It was really really. 
Then one of my co-workers, Brandon, comes back to the cafe right as I tell this guy "this is really cool, now I need to find some random person  to practice on."
The guy and I then look over at my co-worker Brandon. ahahaha
 It was great. 

     I then busted through a BUNCH of my "to do" list for today.
I had to actually write one of those. I don't usually have to but I figured it couldn't hurt. Maybe it would get my stress under control. 
I wrote "BREATHE!" as one of the tasks to do. Just in case.
Where did this stupid in-ability to handle stress come from? I am not a fan at all.
 I was finally able to pick up my letter from the post office without having to wait at all. Then at the library I printed off all my needed forms for Ecuador and my passport situation. I am almost done filling them out. What a relief! 
On a random note, I think I may get a P.O. box because of how often I am moving around.

I think I may do some reading now. 
I didn't go Salsa dancing tonight because of how weak and tired I have been all day. 
  Tomorrow morning I am going to be in a fashion show at the church. Should be interesting. 
Shekinah and I just kind of agreed to it to try something new. 
I did get to try on a Belle dress to wear for it. It didn't fit.
You can also tell I am not nearly as "well endowed" as the original owner of this dress.
I guess gymnastics will do that to you.
Oh well!
BAHAHA look how awkward my right arm is. That is why I am not a model. ha

  Well goodnight!

1 comment:

beka said...

that is so awesome--the line about practicing on a random!!!