Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I have to tell you more about what has happened.
Ok, so I had just had a crazy Sunday where all this stuff just happened almost to me as I just took care of the things I had here in Boise.
A few days later I call and talk to my mom.
This took a bit of time to coordinate with the 11  hour time difference between us.
I talk to her about all that had happened and how much I wished to be back in Ecuador.
I told her that I was thinking I would move to Ecuador in the near future.
If you know my mom, you can imagine what came next!
I expected some shock and a bit of a freak out......right?
To my surprise she was just like "ok".
Then she had some questions, but no shock, or really even any surprise.
A few days later I talked to Bennie about this all.
Bennie is a Vineyard missionary pastor in Ecuador.
I wanted to talk to him and hear his thoughts.
He had really great things for me to think about and consider.
It was a really good thing to talk with him about it.
I ended my talk with him feeling really good.
It was the sort of good feeling you get when someone gives you realistic things to think about and consider and work toward, but yet did not say it in a discouraging way.
He also presented the possibility of me working with his church in Quito.

The Pastor in Nigeria also started thinking of what sort of work he would have for me.
Remember when I was in Nigeria and I asked him if he would have work for me if I found myself in Ecuador again?
Well I am holding him to his word. :D

All this while Alyee and I are looking for apartments, but are having a hard time agreeing on locations and needs.
Driving a scooter may have its perks, but it can also be a huge pain.
Finding a place with parking for a scooter is hard. Not to mention the locations that were ideal for her were not very good for me.
We kept looking though and hoping for the best.
After a few weeks of this I began feeling that this may not be the best idea, but I had given my word, and I would stand by that.
I would trust God to take care of it.
Then one afternoon I get a call from Alyee explaining to me why this may not be the best idea to get an apartment together after all.
(It was a friendly conversation and she had great reasons just like I did.)
I was relieved that she had called me and told me, and she was relieved that I was not at all upset or surprised.
So Brenda told me that I could stay here for as long as I need.
I also went into my  former work place "H", and talked to my manager who immediately told me that I could have my job back.
The convo went something like this.
Me "Hey, I am back in Boise for a while now."
Her, "Great because I need a barista, and I wouldn't have to train you."
Me,"Great, I will work for you."
Her, "Great go online and fill out the app again."

That was that.
So now I have 1 job, and am looking for a second.
That is a summary of the major happenings in the weeks upon returning to the states.
Sorry it was so vague. There was SOOOO much more that happened but those are just logistics details.

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