Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One of the hardest things ever..

is trying to pretend you are ok when you really are not.
I woke up with a fever this morning.
I tried to convince myself that I was fine.
After all of these years of being the "frail one" I have gotten pretty good at pretending.
I got up, took a shower, ate my lunch, and then went back to bed.
As soon as Andres got home from work and saw me, he knew right away that I was sick.
What a hard day to have a fever.
It was over 90 degrees today so getting cool was very hard.
I would not suggest getting a fever in Ecuador if you ever have the choice.

Andres is at a work Christmas party until the AM hours. Guess who is sleeping in his giant bed until he gets home? ME!!!!!
Then he will get home and I will shuffle to my little bed, or I will tell him to sleep on the couch. haha

1 comment:

beka said...

awww, feel better soon my dear! <3