Wednesday, January 25, 2012

So Blessed

How blessed am I.
I love that everyday I get to see my boy.
I hope that I never take him for granted.
It means so much more having him here now
after spending so many months in different Countries 
on different continents.
I'm not going to lie,
It was not fun having to long distance date,
but it has made it that much more special having him with me now.
A week or so back we had some issues with his visa.
When I found out that he may have to go back to Ecuador
I cried for almost the entire day.
People warned me that things might change 
after the 6 month mark.
Here we are at more than 7 months 
and I love him more now than i did 2 months ago.
He is kind of wonderful.
Lo amo con todo mi corazon.

1 comment:

beka said...

what sweet pictures! <3
you're so blessed, hanna :)