Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What should you expect if you are dating me?

I made my Mom bouquets of  origami flowers for Valentines Day.
Just to remind that I love her very much.


If Andres was hoping for a remotely normal relationship he sure picked the wrong girl.
Our first valentines day together was,
well I guess I would saw, 
as wonky as could be expected.
We were invited to go out to dinner with a group of South Americans.
Eduardo , who works with my Dad invited us.
He is a 20 something Venezuelan.
His fiance is a tall, white, New Zealander.
We agreed to go along and it was decided they would pick us up at 6:15.
I don't know what it is about my family but we always manage to be in houses that are really complicated to find.
Hinckley was the least complicated of them all and even that one confused people at times.

anyways, they end up getting lost on the way to pick us up.
They drive around for an hour and a half before we decided we would just get a cab.
I call the cab company and request an immediate cab.
There are typically cabs at the nearby community center just minutes away.
A good 30 minutes later we are still waiting on the cab.
I finally am just done with it and tell Andres that we should just walk to the bus stop and catch a bus, then the train.
We start walking to the community center to catch the bus.
We are almost there when my Dad calls and says the cab is 5 minutes from the house.
I told him to cancel the cab we will take a bus.
My Dad tells me to take a taxi at the CC because it will take an hour at least by Public trans.
We get to the CC and there is no taxi to be found.
We began walking toward the store because we needed change for out 500 Dirham bill 
if we wish to take a taxi.
Before making across the parking lot we see a taxi and flag him down to avoid missing our chance.
We tell him we are going to the Dubai Mall and have a 500 dirham bill.
He says it is no problem because he can make the change.
We hop in and go on our way.
The cab driver was great!
He got us right where we needed to be, and fast!
We arrived and handed him our 500 dirham bill to pay our 75 dirham cab fare.
He is then 120 dirham short.
He gets ot of the cab and starts asking all the nearby taxis for change. 
A good 5 minutes pass and finally he goes to a kiosk for the change.

To say I was frustrated at this point is an understatement.
I am really frustrated and Andres is naturally all calm and not worried about it.
It comes with being an American, we are in a hurry and want to get places on time.

We get our change and meet up with the group.
We had a really lovely time.
My brain was a bit overwhelmed by the Spanish going on all around me, 
and Rose sitting next to me speaking English with her New Zealand accent.
We sat on a 2nd story balcony of a French Restaurant which provided a brilliant view of the fountain show.
I had a great time and never felt terribly un comfortable.
After dinner Eduardo  and Rose  said they would take us home.
Needless to say, we got very lost.
We turned around a time or two and ultimately ended up circling in on our house.
Not quite what I would have expected for my first Valentines Day with Andres, 
but as usual it was an adventure.

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