Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spent the day with some of the girls that Dr. Mary teaches English to.

They girls started arriving at Sophie's house before 8am.
We had  about 7 girls in the morning, then in the afternoon we had 5.
We took time reading Narnia with them. Doug or I would read a few pages, then pass the book onto one of the girls. We also sat around asking each other questions.
"what do you want to be when you grow up?", Doug or I would ask.
"A doctor."
"An engineer."
"a teacher."

They then taught us some games. 
These girls do a lot of jumping rope.
They have a long rope made of pieces of old fabric tied together into  a huge loop.
They play a game with this loop where two girls stand facing each other but a few feet apart from each other and they put the rope around their hips so that they are standing inside of the loop. The other girls then jump from outside the loop into it. 

It seems simple until they start doing these crazy spins into it, and hopping on only one foot. 

I played with these girls and found it difficult and my legs are twice the length of some of these girls. 
The rope was hip level for some of these girls yet they jumped over it like it was nothing. 
Oh yeah, and they were WEARING SKIRTS!!!!!
They also would twist the rope so they could jump rope how I grew up doing it.

We had an hour or so between spending time with the first group and the second group of girls.

I talked with Andres a bit during that time.
After the second group of girls left we ate dinner then sorted bags of medications and drank tea.

1 comment:

Eliza C. said...

You amazing women you! I am so proud of you and what you are doing with your life. Those girls are so beautiful; you are so blessed to get to work with them.