Friday, April 27, 2012

This morning we helped Dr.Mary with  a project.

She was taking photos for the newest edition of the Village Medical Manual.
She would make marks on our skin in certain places like the locations of certain veins or bones or what not.

She would then take pictures of these marks.
 She also took pictures of us pulling traction on a leg, or holding a pelvic sling in place. Cool stuff.

Mary is a really brilliant, good woman and it was such an honor to be asked to help her with this huge project.

We then ate lunch before heading into town with one of the local girls.
Her name is Seganish (that is  obviously not how you spell her name, but it is how it sounds.).
Seganish works for Sophie a few days a week as a house keeper.

We walked to the nearest road which took about 15-20 minutes.
We then took a bajaj (which is a small cart sort of thing that goes all over.)

All 4 of us piled into the tiny vehicle and headed farther into town.
I am not going to lie, there were a number of hills that I am still surprised we were able to get to the top of in the tiny vehicle.
Once we got into town we stopped by the Christian hospital to check in with Sophie who was studying.
Seganish then took us out to find a hardware store.
Doug had agreed to help Sophie out with some plumbing problems she was having.
He had no idea how hard it would be to find the parts he needed.

We walked around town looking.
At one point a young boy told us that he knew where the store was that we were looking for so he would guide us there.
We followed him quite a ways, and down a big hill before he admitted to us that he did not know where the place was.
Luckily, at the same place that the boy told us this, there was a friend of Sophies right within earshot that knew where we wanted to go and offered to take us.
We had to walk back up the same hill.
We walked into the first store and they didn't have the needed parts so they sent us on to the next store.

Once in that store they did not have the part and sent us to the next store.
The 3rd store did not have the piece but told us to go up the road back to the first one we had been in.
We then gave up and decided to go buy food and head home.
We stopped at a roof-top restaurant to order our take away food.
We also made a stop to buy some mangos.

The mangos in Ethiopia are amazing!
SO fresh and juicy.
Just amazing.
We then found a Bejaj that was willing to take us all the way back to Sophie's house, which required it to do some major off-roading. 
We were so tired by the time we got back that we just laid around while we waited for our food to warm up in the oven.
Dinner was amazing; Pasta, Chiro (ground up chic peas with spices. SO AMAZING!), and Injera.
I ate my fill and then some.

It was an amazing ending to a long day.
I slept like a baby!

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