Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I am having problems adding photos today so this post will have no photos. I will try to add more later. 


Today was a very long day.
I woke up feeling groggy.WE went to the Day Care first thing and spent some time playing with the babies.
We then helped the Shannons screen two new children that were hoping to be added to the program.
This included getting basic information on the children like weight, arm circumference, age, and some family history.

We also did a basic check on one of these moms.
Christy and I went into a private room along with the nurse, Ruth.
I walked through a basic a basic health screening and everything was fine.
I then asked the mom a few separate times if there was anything else going on, or if she had any questions.
She kept telling me no until we were all about to walk out of the room.
She then lifted her skirt a bit and showed us a huge dog bite on her thigh.
We went and got Audra, our wound care specialist, right away to dress the wound.
We then ate a lunch that consisted of some combination of lentils and carrots.
(Never in my life have I eaten so many lentils and carrots in one week.)

We then headed back to rest a bit.
I was feeling so groggy that a nap was just what I needed.
After we rested a bit we headed back to the daycare to screen the Moms.
I had my own room along with the translator who was really great to work with.
I saw 6 or 7 moms.
I found out after that most of the rooms had moms that just wanted their vitals taken and had nothing much to address while I had almost all had a lot more going on.
There is something about being with the moms one-on-one that breaks my heart.
SO many of these women are thin and tired but are doing everything they can to take care of their children.
AFter a few hours Jen took over for me a bit and had me just take vitals.
It was such good timing because I was exhausted by this time.
We screened moms for twice as long as was planned and saw only half of the moms that were there.
Isn't this how  it always works though?
I don't remember A time I was ever over seas and we planned to do something for two hours and actually finished in less than 4 hours.

I was very excited about dinner time and bedtime.

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