Friday, May 11, 2012

Things I would tell my younger self

I turned 21 on Monday.
I keep asking myself "what do I miss about being a teen?".
Honestly my answer is NOTHING!
Nothing at all.

So to be cliche' just because I can (because lets be honest here, this is my blog) I wanted to write a list of things I would liked to have told my younger self.
Please do not be offended by what I type.
I like to be blunt with myself and if it comes off condescending it was not my intention. 

1. Don't worry about all of those high school aged girls you know who are always having their phones blown up with text messages from different guys, those are not the guys worth having.
The guys worth having are definitely worth the wait.

2. If he seems to good to be true, he is.
 I do not even know how to expound on this.

3. If a guy really liked you he would do something about it. (#1 thing teenage girls lie to themselves about.)
Any guy who really likes you  will bend over backwards to keep you in his radar.
It is worth waiting for a guy who will do that.
He will text you first, and try to get to know you first.
If you are doing all of the initiating then he is obviously not that interested.

4.You cannot be friends with everyone, but learning how to get along with and love any kind of person is a very valuable gift.
I tried to be friends with everyone when I was younger.
I poured so much energy into trying to connect and be BFFs with every girl and most guys I came into contact with.
It was exhausting and sometimes emotionally painful, but learning how to treat any person with respect is so important.

 5. Your body will eventually mature into something some what attractive.
        I thought I would have the body of a 12 year old alien forever.
It may have taken 21 years but now it has happened and hopefully that means my body won't start giving into gravity until later in life.
One can hope.

6. Do not worry about if you are being a "poser".
If you really like something, like really like it, then wear it. 
 I was so worried for a very long time about wearing something and the people around me thinking I was trying to be something I am not. 
I finally stopped kidding myself and decided that if I really like something I should wear it and as long as I feel good in it, then no one will question me.

6b. This also goes for being a "lifestyle poser".
If I like being and artist then I should proudly be an artist.
If I like playing mandolin, I should play the heck out of that mandolin,
DO not worry about fitting into a stereotype. It is better to be known as someone who is just themselves in every way.

7.Do not create levels of friendships.
The whole system of leveling friends in order of how good of a friend they are is terrible. This system leaves you making more time for some friends than others and missing out on so many great things.
Every friend brings something different to your life. A new dimension, a new outlook on life, and a new perspective.
trying to decide who is your best friend, and your 2nd best friend and so on is only a way to hurt people and deprive yourself of some beautiful things.

8. You will never regret those 2 hour coffee dates that turned into 6 hours.
Those conversations and moments are what makes life colorful. They will be some of your favorite memories.

9. Never take your parents for granted.
I feel like I did a pretty good job for the most part when it came to having relationships with my parents and respecting them. Now I am so grateful for all the times I made my Mom go on dates with me, and all the times she went along with things just because, and for all of the dollar burger nights my Dad and I made sure to attend and the countless hours I spent in the garage talking with him.

10.Always keep family first.
This means extended family too. These are the only people in your life that will love you no matter what and will bend over backwards for you in a time of need. 
I cannot say enough good things about my extended family on both sides.

11. You should have made yourself take those language classes.
I should have done at least a semester of Spanish.   

I know there are many more things, but I should stop here.


beka said...

3. is SO true.
actually, all of those points are good.

Jessica Erhart said...

Reading this just reminds me how blessed I am to have an amazing friend like you with such wisdom. "I miss you so much it hurts sometimes."
Cooooooome back!:)