Sunday, April 28, 2013

How many times have I opened up my blogger lately in the hopes of writing something?
I am fairly certain that I have done it so many times. 
I have been so busy lately. 
Between my two jobs I am working every night, and I also have school on Tuesday and Thursday morning and into the early afternoon.
When I am not at work or school it is a struggle to find time to do anything other than eat, sleep, shower and do homework.
This last week I managed to get somewhat ahead of my homework. This meant that the assignments I am usually rushing to submit by midnight on Sunday night, was submitted tonight at 10pm. 
What a good feeling.
I also had the chance to go see Shawn Mcdonald playing in the area on Friday night. 
Julia drove up for it. It was wonderful!
Every second of the time I spent with my sister was great and getting to bask in the incredible music that Shawn Mcdonald plays/sings was just the cherry on the sundae.

 So that is just a bit of my life these days. Hopefully it slows down a bit soon.

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