Saturday, November 9, 2019

I’ve been trying to decide for a while, as to how I will get back on here.
I’m going to dive in, I guess.

My current life motto is, “There’s just a lot going on.”
This is the reality.
It is often difficult for me to talk about some parts of my life. I like to be open and transparent, but with something I am protective and thus guarded.
Luckily I don’t think that many people will be reading this, so I minus well put it out there.

For those that are burning with curiosity, Andres and I separated in August of 2018.
This has all been incredibly painful and not fun to talk about. This was all happening as I was working ungodly hours as the GM of a incredibly fast paced cafe.
I was putting in more than 12 hour days, 7 days a week,  all while watching my marriage continue to unravel.
There was no major event that lead to this.  All I will say is, Fathers out there, if you are teaching your daughters to be strong and know their worth, get ready for them to expect a lot out of people and take no sh*t.
Andres and I are still legally married. We are civil. We talk. We hang out sometimes. We Don’t hate each other.
Andres is currently set to ship out to Boot Camp in the middle of the month as he wishes to pursue his dream of joining the US Navy.

I am currently living with my sister in Janesville,WI.
When my mom passed in Feb, we found out that there is a genetic factor to Aneurysms.
My mom was the 5th person in the family that my maternal grandmother could recall off hand that passed from an aneurysm in their 50s.
My family was all tested and we found out that my sister does have aneurysms as well. Lucky for us, she found them now. She is young, healthy, and tough as nails.
She just gave birth to baby boy #3.
I’m now here to offer my best attempt at emotional, sister support to my sister as we start on this path toward treatment.

I am going to be working part time at a gymnastics gym here in Janesville, as well as at Victoria’s Secret. EVERYONE GETS UNDERWEAR FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR!

So here is my starting off point.
Love you all.
Forgive me if I air out other rants on here. It’s been an emotional year and a half.

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