Saturday, January 25, 2020


So the last 24 hour or so have been weird. It’s been dark outside the whole time. I got off of my first flight at JFK and it was dark. I waited about 4 hours, then took my 12 hour flight. I arrived in Dubai at about 9pm. At that point my body thought it had been night for about 16 hours already.  It is now 545am and the sun is coming up.

  I hardly recognize this place. So many more buildings. So much more life!
I arrived to my Air BNB by car. My friend Momo sent a driver to fetch me at the airport.
I dropped my bags in the BNB. Changed my shirt and reapplied deodorant and Scurried out the door to the currency exchange.
THe weather was perfect. 70 some humidity....just the fragrant smell that my nose immediately recalled floating through the air.
 I made it to the currency exchange 10 minutes before they closed. After, I decided to walk The Marina a bit.
When I was last here, The Marina was relatively Bare. I was delighted by my experience.
When I was last at the Marina, some 7 years ago, they were still doing so much work on it. The walk itself was lovely but had very few things to see.
It is now a booming area peppered with restaurants,  shisha bars, kiosks, and bike rentals.
The retail kiosks sell anything from jewelry, robes, traditional dress, skin care, and souvenirs.
After a good walk, I made my way to the Carrefour grocery that is right by the Air BNB.
Here is the thing about vacationing in an area where you have previously lived. You save money on eating out, because you already know what exciting things await you at the store.
I bought bread, I bought cheese, I bought  yogurt to drink, Moroccan mint tea, I bought Labneh, and my favorite juice!!
My body is so happy. Bread and Cheese for dinner, and bread with Labneh for breakfast. What a rough life.

I’m waiting for my Dad and Grandma to wake up so we can start out our day. We are thinking Ibn Battuta mall today, and securing NOL cards for the Metra.

Things I am happy to see upon returning to Dubai:
I was given a free SIM card for my cell phone upon arrival. Though I’m not sure how much this helps US visitors as our phones no longer take SIM cards. YET, It is really thoughtful.
I am excited to see continued growth. I am excited to still receive a Visa upon arrival.
Overall, It is good to be back.

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