Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ah yes it is true! I have French homework to do, yet I blog.
It is only because I have already come to terms with the fact that I will not possibly be able to do school tonight.
Not only am I not feeling well still, but tonight at youth group we decided to have a discussion. The topics that were brought up were predestination verses free-will, the end times, and everything that can possibly connect the two.
Though I am truely very interested in these topics and have brought them up myself at times, it no doubt added to my headache.
I am so frustrated. I have two weeks of school left and yet somehow we are supposed to fit two more French tests into that time. With me being sick, it is not a good thing to hear.
On top of all that, I am not feeling well still so my immune system is down, and word has it that swine flu has broken out in a near by town. OH BLAST!!
I honestly don't want to leave my house.

On the up side. My Mandolin now officially has new strings on it. Granted I don't have it back yet, but it is comforting to know it just the same.

OH YEAH!!! I have my art project started. And by started I mean that I have come up with my basic idea and a completed sketch, I need now only sit down and put it together. This will no doubt take a number of hours.

so random thought.
A friend of mine said this a week ago and I am realizing how awesome a statement it is.
He said something to the effect of "only two things in this world are eternal. The word of God, and peoples souls. Nothing else. Therefore if we aren't doing things that effect one of those two areas, then really they don't matter."

WOW! It totally changes your perspective on things.

Thats all I can think to say right now..... perhaps something more when I have half my wits collected.


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