Monday, May 4, 2009

People think that Im being crazy and Irish... but im just following Jesus.! :]

So lets see.... today was a Monday. This is the longest day in my week. I leave the house at 9:30 for class, I'm at WCC from 10 until 3:15. Then I have to work at 5, I get off at 8 and make it home by 8:30ish.
I guess 11 hours away from home isn't that long of a day, but then again it is.

I have to study tonight and tomorrow for a French test that is on Wed. I am so ready to just be done with French already. I have my final on either the 15th or 18th. No-one, not even my teacher, know when the exact date is. I figure I will show up until he says that it is the last day of class, and then I will stop going.

As for Art Design. I started my project and have so far spent probably 8 hours or more on it, I still have probably another 8 hours of work left to do. I took the project into call today and was shocked at how different my project was from the rest of the class.
I showed my teacher and I thought that she didn't really like my concept, but right before I left class I made a comment about wanting to just stop this one and do an easier quicker project, and she said that I should keep with this one because it was a good idea. Im getting so sick of it though, that I told a guy in the class that he could have it once I finished it.

I went an saw Ania during my hour break between class and work. We looked through Irish books and started thinking about places we want to go.

Then it was off to work. Work went really well. I had the whole gym to myself (and my class of 2 girls) for the last hour. It was pretty great.
I pulled out the big guns today, and I pulled out my camera and took videos of the girls doing some things so that they could see what they needed to work on.
I also showed them that I still had some skills. It was pretty fun. I really do like my job alot, which is more then most can boast.

Now im home and soooo tired. I don't even want to study. I think I will read some school literature and then go to bed early.
Then I can get up earlier then normal and study alittle before I go to work.
I have no idea where im going to find time to study my French and put in the needed 8 hours on my art project before wednesday morning.

I just want to be done with the semester already. This semester has just dragged on and on. The first 6 weeks or so went so incredibly fast, and now they are going unbelievably slow.
I need to work on a final Art Design now also. I have no idea what to do, and we have total freedom on this one too. im stressed about this. I don't think I had ever been stressed before this semester. It is probably because for the start of the semester I was working and playing basketball during.
This trip is much awaited.
I decided that I may spend a few days before I leave at a friends house so that the first week of my trip wont be spent resting and recovering.

Im off to do something important with my time, because typing a blog that nobody reads isnt the best use of time.

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