Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stopping to smell the yakusimanum

I have been in such a pensive state lately. When I do get enough energy to actually think, it seems my mind is all over the place. Lately I have been so tired that my mind is almost completely blank. I am so grateful for the years of gymnastics training I have had in the past because I no longer have to think that much at work because It is almost second nature to coach.
The last few days have been spent doing nothing that brings me any amount of pride.
I have spent them at my house basically doing the tasks that my mom has me to do almost all day. Until I am so tired that I must sleep for a few hours. Then I once again get nothing done that I need to get done. I am still no closer to graduating. I am ashamed of the fact that I chose not to do Day Camp this week so that I could do school work, yet I have done no school.

Today was a good day though. I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked last night but yet I made it through today so far with only a quick snooze in my chair.
I worked today for the first time since I left for Ireland. I got to do day one of a preschool gymnastics camp. The camp lasted from 11 to 1.
3 hours with preschool aged kids is something that you can not train somebody for.
Not only was I in charge of 6 little girls who didn't hear you call their name until the fourth time or so you yell for them, but team camp was going on at the same time. The gym was packed so it was hard to find anywhere to take these little girls.
We hardly did any actual gymnastics. We played duck duck goose, and a few seconds of freeze tag. We also made an obstacle course which the team girls tried out.

I got pushed into the pit by some of the team girls, then they bombarded me with blocks.
Amid the flying blocks hitting me at a rapid rate and the pit fuzz threatening to blind me, I managed to climb out of the pit and make it safely back to my unsupervised class.

After 3 hours and 4 bathroom breaks, we were done. I didn't realize how crazy the whole ordeal was until I look back. I had a girl have an accident in the bathroom. That was a pain considering it took place at the end of camp.

I picked up my checks which is always rewarding. Until you open them and realize that they aren't for as much as you had hoped.

Tonight I did get to finish a sketch that I started for my sister back around Easter time. I am really happy with how it turned out.

I am hoping the rest of this week gets better. No more headaches would be nice.
I am trying to put together a new diet that will hopefully help with my ever failing health.
Wish me luck.

current frustrations:

*Stupid unnecessary drama

*people wanting to know my every step


*not getting enough hours at work

*school situations


*stupid people that don't trust me even though I have been nothing but honest with them

*Autumn leaves :[

*I feel like more things are working against me right now than are working for me. What a wretched feeling.

WOW I just hit the spell check button and apparently no spelling errors were found! And why am I not graduated?

1 comment:

Jessica Erhart said...

Hey Hanna! I know how you feel with the frustration although I may not have the same frustrations-I understand and sympathize none the less.
God gave me some amazing stuff in my time with Him that relates to some of this blog and a lot of things that have been on my mind lately...
I am thinking of speaking about this @ Crossroads & I was just wondering if I could talk about to you first.
Let me know if you ever need to talk:]