Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Would you like to be a member of the round up club?

I cant believe my sister added this song to my playlist. Last time she was visiting we decided to listen to some good ole Hanson music, just for the sake of old times. She actually added one of the songs and for some reason I still haven't taken it off, almost as though she would know I did it and then think less of me.
I just changed the song so all is well.
Song of the moment : Such Great Heights by Postal Service.
This I will not change. :]

Naomi is over right now and is sleeping on the "Lilly Pad" on the other side of the room. She came over at like 8:30 tonight. The extent of our hanging out consisted of me showing her some awesome socks that I found at the Salvation Army, and other purchases. Then we both put on a pair of the rather extraordinary socks.
Why are these socks amazing? Because they go up above my knees, and with legs as long as mine you can be sure that this is something amazing. Not only that but I also got them brand new from Salvation Army, and I paid only 60 cents per pair.

Nay and I then got some water and put her clothes in the dryer, then she did some devos and went to bed, as I played my mandolin.

That is true friendship right there.

I just spent at least 20 min looking on Netflixs in the hopes of finding a movie that isn't a complete waste of time, yet I found nothing. Why am I not surprised? I can not honestly remember the last time that I sat through an entire movie.

Today was a really good day for me. Granted I did sleep all morning, but once I got up I didn't get any headaches and seemed to be much less fatigued. I actually did school and understood it and felt that I learned it. I feel like during the last semester I was just constantly attempting to memeorize a bunch of random facts that were completely disconnected just in order to spit it all back out during my next test. It's nice to actually learn and remember it.

My mind is flooded with thoughts right now because of my good health. I can't help but think of all the drama going on with people I know, and all the heart ache and I can't help but think how everyone seems to just be missing something so much bigger.
I don't get how people around me have so much time to invest in annalysing other peoples lives and starting rumors about people when I don't feel like I have time to meet any of my goals at all in a timely manner.

I read this verse tonight
And it kind of hit me.

"31. Then the churches throughout all Judea , Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied."

This might seem like a really random verse to stand out to someone. Let me give some backround.

My church is small and is facing financial problems right now. I love my church and have never felt more comfortable in a church family in my life. I don't understand why atttendance isn't going up and people's lives aren't being changed.
This verse made me think about something that my friend Ryan said months ago about how he likes going to different churches for their many events and meetings and such because he thinks
That the churches need to be in unity. This verse opened my eyes to the truth in that statement.
People need to stop putting up walls between churches everytime something tiny offends us. As christians we need to be much less easily offended. We need to turn the other cheek and forgive, even if someone really hurts us.
We need to further God's kindgom together as a complete body.

I know it's easier said than done, but believe me I have had my share of this too. I have had my feeilings hurt a good many times in the last year. I'm almost afraid to check my phone for texts because most aren't very good these days. Thus I tend to not check my phone all day, I even purposfully leave it at home when I leave.
And just ask me about the stress too. Just tonight I was explaining to Ryan about how I am going to the Dr. and Im hoping they find something wrong with me other than stress, because if it is stress then there is nothing at all I can do about it, but if it is something else then I can get meds for it or something.
No body goes without pain or trouble. Show me a person in the Bible who had life made. There isn't any. We have to choose to turn the other cheek and forgive and stop playing the victim.
I'm not even sure how to explain my thoughts anymore than this at present. I suppose you will have to fill in the rest according to your own conviction.

Well if this isn't the most random and most obnoxiously written post ever, than I don't know what I can do to make it more so.

Great Moments of the day

1. reading on my front porch in the Am. hours
2. Going back to bed and sleeping until noon.
3. Finding out my brother and his family got an appartment. (any strong boys want to help move them?)
4. Hearing those 50 seconds of live Big Band music in the park
5. Slushie from Dairy Queen
6. Salvation Army
7. Quoting Abot and Costello with my Dad.

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