Friday, September 11, 2009

Currently listening to: The Call by Regina Spektor

Yesterday six flags was fun. We only got lost once driving there due to poorly marked signs. Once we were there it was smooth sailing. The longest we had to wait for any line was maybe 15 minutes.....probably not even that long. Most of the time it took longer to walk to the ride then it did to get on the ride. We ran into Haylee (figuratively not literally) at some point in the day and she was riding rides alone so we all tagged along the rest of the day. I saw 7 or so people I knew there. Which was crazy considering it was Six Flags. The park closed at 5 and in order to avoid rush hour traffic we drove down the road to Gurnee Mills shopping mall and stayed there till after 7. Driving home was a breeze! That was my day in a nut shell.

I just got home alittle while ago from the fair.
I met Ania there at about 1:30 or so. My mom came with me but she left after seeing my artwork.
I did finally see my black and white piece. I think maybe they had trouble finding a way to hang it. It is not light to be certain. It got a 3rd place ribbon, so I am happy. I got ribbons on all but one of the things I entered. Hooray!

I walked around with Ania for a while which was good. I was so tired though (Still am very tired) so I wasn't in the best of moods. I wanted to kick people when they went to slow or stopped in the middle of the paths to simply talk.

The Sheepie barn lifted my spirits drastically. :]

Ryan and Aaron met up with us there after 4. We walked around with them a while and looking back on it we managed to eat most of the time.
I got a snow cone and it was one of the most delicious things ever. (I got one on the way out too =] )

I don't really have anything amazing to say. I did see quite a few people that I knew which was cool, I saw even more people that I recognized from coaching them or just seeing them around the gym. It was a good time.
My feet killed though after a while. I ended up going barefoot more a majority of the time because I couldn't handle wearing shoes. It hurt like no-ones business.

Tomorrow I work in the morning and after that I am catching a train to Chi-town to visit Chloe for the weekend and hit up Celtic fest. I am more than excited. I can just imagine how much my feet are going to hurt though.


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