Monday, September 14, 2009

Ecclesiastes 7:21

I read these verses in my devos last night and they really stood out to me.

"Also do not take to heart everything

people say,
Lest you hear your servant cursing
For many times, also, your own heart
has known
That even you have cursed others."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Verse 20 shows nobody is perfect. Even the just man says things out of character sometimes.And although verse 5 states that we should listen to the rebuke of the wise one, this is more tittle tattle, unwarrented comments. So we are advised not to be over attentive if now and again friends or employees who should shown respect say somewhat hurtful things about us to others because, under examination, they probably didn't really mean what they said. And, as verse 21 reminds us, we have said things about others we could regret later.
Remember, Benjamin Franklin said "To find out a girls faults, praise her to her girlfriends"
Also, this is wise: " what you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth"
So reflecting on Eccl 7:21, 22 can help us not to be upset about many of the things people say about us by reflecting on our own statements about others.