Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I have been having some really cool dreams the last few months. Just every once in a while but in these dreams I am just going about my daily business and I will see someone and pray for them and see God totally heal them.
I just woke up from a nap about a half hour ago and while I was napping I had this dream and It's pretty cool so I'll share it with you.
In my dream I was in Brazil with my friend Alex who was on the team with me in Puerto Rico. Alex is actually Brazilian and speaks Portuguese which is Brazil's primary language. I'm not really sure what my original purpose was for being in Brazil but I got the sense that I was there to do missions work of some sort, which is totally believable. In the dream we were on our way to go to this big sort of mega church, and we weren't yet in the sanctuary of the church we were maybe in the hallways leading to it, or right outside of the church.(I can't remember) I saw this guy (not sure on age,over 8 and under 20) and he was sitting against a wall and he had some sort of defect. His legs were kind of twisted around in a weird way: his bones were turned almost sideways and it left him sitting on just one hip which his chest was completely upright. I saw him, and I just kept looking at him and got the feeling that God really wanted to minister to him. SO I pulled Alex over and told Alex that we need to pray for this person, and Alex totally agreed and so did one other guy in our group. So we went to the guy and Alex asks him if we can pray for him (remember Alex is the only one who speaks the language).
The guy gives us permission to pray for him but something distracts our group for a second and we all get tied up for a few minutes. I then go back to pray for the guy and I find the one other person on my team who wants to pray for this guy but we couldn't find Alex.
Then everyone starts telling us that church is starting so we have to go in to service. That made me so mad.
I got really assertive and was like "No! We are praying for this guy, we all felt lead to pray for him, God obviously wants to do something, and we have the permission from the guy! We are praying for him!"
So this person on my team and I kneel by the crippled man and ask to put our hands on his legs. (He didn't understand what we were asking, so I had to make alot of exaggerated hand motions, but he agreed! ha)
So we start praying for him and as we are praying and just asking for the Holy Spirit to come and heal his legs, his legs start to straighten and kind of stretch out and turn and just move in ways as if the guy were trying to stretch them after sitting for a long time. His facial expressions didn't really change much though. We just kept praying. After maybe 4 minutes, his legs were alot straighter, just a little bent by the hips still but not much, and randomly the once crippled guy gets up and just runs away from us. We had no idea what was going on, but then we realized that he just ran away and he couldn't walk just 5 minutes before. So we found Alex and asked him to talk to the man. Alex did and the man told him that he was healed. We then went to the church service.

In the past I have had dreams where I was at work and one of my gymnasts got hurt so I prayed for her on the spot and saw God show up. It was so cool. I don't know why I am having these dreams but I love that I am. These are the best dreams I have ever had!



girrl. you have a beautiful gift! i know they're just dreams, but this is wonderful to hear. God easily speaks through dreams and i think He's definitely using them in your life to encourage you, among other things. and im pretty sure any dream with Alex in it would be awesome! (:

Anonymous said...

God definitely uses dreams. It's just hard to know sometimes if it's literal or figurative. But to me, the only two options are: 1. you have been thinking about missions and stuff so much you're having dreams about it and it's getting your heart ready to do amazing things in His name. 2. God is letting you know that missions is where He wants you. And it's getting your heart ready to do amazing things in His name. I think that's what we call a win-win situation.