Saturday, February 19, 2011

For the love of LIFE!!!!!!


            If you are thinking that I am becoming obsessed with Salsa and life in general then you might be right. I am a huge fan of both and rightfully so!!
Looks like Shekinah and I may be going dancing again tonight. haha
 Yesterday was kind of funny; I worked a 7 hour shift and it was slow and boring and i was really restless. Then I go to Shekinah's so we could make plans and it turned out that she was also having a day where she just felt negative. We decided we should go out anyway and see what adventures we could find, or at least what sort of desserts we could find to devour and drown our frustration.  During our drive we complained about everything we could think of, than we found a muffin and a giant cookie at a coffee shop downtown, though we felt let down that they didn't have the giant chocolaty brownie thing that we really wanted.(just another reason to complain)  Food therapy is the best!

Then we figured that dancing can only help us feel better at this point, and if nothing else it would work off the food we just ate in excess. 
    It was a great night for dancing. We danced almost non-stop from 10:30 till about 1 something in the AM.
  I am pleased to announce that I graduated to the next level. I.E. the good guy dancers started asking me to dance. YEAH!!!!!!!

   Today I woke up and was surprisingly not sore. Work was also really good. I got some good tips and saw alot of my favorite co-workers. 

      I got home and Brenda right away said "DO you want some pasta?" Oh man she knows me too well. :]

 I'm off for now to go buy some much needed dancing shoes and go dance. LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh also..... Check it out

 YOu should certainly get involved in this. :] Just saying. 
    They got Niki's and my Butterfly mixed up, but I'm sure that can be fixed. 
Have a good day, and be sure to enjoy life!!!

1 comment:

beka said...

mmm, food therapy! love:)

gosh, i love you for all the dancing you do. it's awesome.
i wish there was a $3-per-class dancing lesson somewhere around here...sheesh.