Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm thinking I may write a bucket list.

Have you heard about this?
ummmm brilliant!!!
This wall gets filled by random people who all write down what they want to do before they die.
I have been watching The Buried Life a lot over the last few days and it really inspires me.
It encourages me to continue being brave and even though I am a bit stressed trying to figure this all out, I know it is worth it and i have to push through it and do the things I am dreaming of.

Reminds me of my Friend Josh. One of his favorite quotes is "Do hard things."
Simple but brilliant!
(love that guy!)

What do you want to do before you die???
My answer seems to be the same as it has been for a long time.
"To do beautiful things in broken place."
or simply 
"To do what Jesus did."
and of course learn along the way.

How about you?
What are some things on your Bucket list?

1 comment:

beka said...

i want to learn even more how to see people the way Jesus sees them....
and love them wherever i am, no matter *my* condition of heart, broken, whole, happy, low.