Monday, September 5, 2011

well it is official

I put in my two weeks notice yet again at work.
I gave my couch and a bunch of clothing away to a very special family.
I booked an airplane ticket for Wisconsin.
This is  so surreal.
How long until I am in Ecuador you ask.
I am not sure at this set moment...but sooner than I had thought.
I have a few things that I am thinking through and then I will head that way.

SO much to think about, but I know that BIG things are about to happen and I am so excited.

I just read an email from my Dad and it reminded me of what a great man he is.
I sure do love my Dad.
I wish everyone knew my parents.
If you don't know them then you are really missing out.
You should probably visit them, or email them, or get to know them somehow.

I am also wearing one of my favorite shirts! HOW GREAT!

1 comment:

beka said...

i. can't. believe. you'll. be. in. my. state.