Friday, January 21, 2011

Give A man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach his to fi1sh and he will be gone all day

It has been such a dreary day. It is over cast and is threatening to rain. I just finished reading the book I posted about before.
It was a gripping book. I was up for hours reading it last night.
I thought it was going to die down and get boring and then BAM there was a riot of peasants that stormed her home while her husband was away, and "the villian" of the story came to attack her and almost has his way with her until she managed to bust his head against a giant church bell rendering him unconscious,( I immediately started fretting about inter-cranial  pressure, until I remembered he was a villian) and she stole his horse and then rescued her children by sneaking through a hidden tunnel!
     Then her husband, whom she doesn't really love, but was rather forced by the king and queen to marry , the lord of Holland, dies of the black plague.
   And guess what!?!?! In the end, she does get to marry the man she  loves, the Prince of Wales!
Reading it has excited me for the last day now.

  Next up! I have this book, which I have to read quick before it needs to be returned to the library.
 I will admit though, I am regretting the choice I made to store my Lord of the Rings books rather than bring them here. Though I am a huge fan of this historical fiction stuff.

         Now for my next tangent,  I was planning on saving this for my whole 365 pics to remember a year deal, but I am just too excited.
 On Wednesday the rare occasion occurred that Niki and I had a day where we were both not scheduled! We walked around down town, drinking coffee and talking about fantastic projects that we will surely find time for. She took me to this Import Store by her house. It was kind of a funny place because they had all these middle east, and Asian  imports yet they played alot of celtic music. Hmmmmm....... anyways I spotted these fantastic stickers.   The red and blue one is securely attached to my mandolin case, the pink and blue is for the trunk of my scooter. :]
It may not be a big deal to most, but to anyone who plays a less popular instrument you will cheer along with me in this victory. (All this reading of knights and battles has influenced my speech and thought processes.)

   That is all for now folks, but please drop me a line, let me know what is up.  

OH also BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   The mission Medic program that I am a part of is making shirts that we are looking to sell to raise  awareness, and also a small but of funds. 
               Please consider buying one. 
We are going to pre-order so to assure you get one, please drop me a line.
  Once we have a final design set I will try to post some sort of photo so you know what you are getting. 
  In case you are confused as to what I am talking about  keep an eye on my "pages" I hope to make one explaining a bit about Mission Medics, (that is if I don't get distracted)
       To sum it up, it is a program that equips people with medical  knowledge and certification to go into developing countries and do much needed medical work  and teach disease prevention to the people there. It is a great thing, so please consider it seriously!

     Well now I need to go buy some lotion. My skin is so dry.  I hope your  day has been fantastic.

1 comment:


Funny girl!! pleeeease be cuter(;
def post info about the shirts, pricing & pics!

p.s. i read your "then i realized" page when i need a laugh... good stuff :]